using System; namespacve ConsoleApplicaion1 { public class Pen { public string penBrand; public int inkLevel; public int barellLength; public string ReturnPenBrand() { return penBrand; } public int ReturnInkLevel() { return inkLevel; } public int ReturnBarrellLength() { return barrellLength; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Pen myPen = new Pen(); Console.WriteLine("What is the brand of pen you are using?"); myPen.penBrand = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("About what percentage level is your pen full?"); myPen.inkLevel = Console.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What is the length of your pen barrell?"); myPen.barrellLength = Console.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); string brandOfPen = myPen.ReturnPenBrand(); int inkLevelOfPen = myPen.ReturnInkLevel(); int barrellLengthOfPen = myPen.ReturnBarrellLength(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(brandOfPen); Console.WriteLine(inkLevelOfPen); Console.WriteLine(barrellLengthOfPen); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Press Enter To TerminateÉ"); Console.Read(); } } }